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Working In Another Light

This book is the accu­mu­la­tion of hun­dreds of hours of explo­ration by two pho­tog­ra­phers, Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton. The first part of their jour­ney was under­stand­ing what sub­jects work using the medi­um of infrared and which did­n’t and the sec­ond part, and arguably the largest part, was remap­ping the approach to pro­cess­ing infrared raw files to get the results they wanted. 

First impres­sions offer lit­tle to instill enthu­si­asm but as the poten­tial tonal­i­ty of the file emerges from gen­tle and con­sid­ered adjust­ment, the results are breath­tak­ing. Care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion must be made from the out­set and soon it becomes appar­ent why this is so important.

Sample Page - In Another Light
"Often what is presented to us as infrared landscape photography is a rather harsh version of what it can become. A dish with lashings of contrast and crudely seasoned."

This book will cover:

  • What sub­jects work and don’t work in infrared
  • Under­stand­ing the raw file
  • The crit­i­cal ini­tial file adjustment
  • Removal of hot-spots and how to recog­nise them
  • Mas­ter­ing cre­at­ing sub­tle infrared tones
  • Dif­fer­ent approach­es to dif­fer­ent weath­er conditions
  • Fine tun­ing with localised adjustments
  • Under­stand­ing when to stop

The aim of this book is not to intro­duce you to a com­plex world of Pho­to­shop and Light­room, but dis­till tech­niques into con­sum­able and sim­ple approach­es so that your mind can be focused on how your image is evolv­ing rather than grap­pling with menus and dia­logue boxes! 

The art of sub­tle, expres­sive infrared, is to think of a pho­to­graph that is speak­ing to you soft­ly. That way, you will cre­ate some­thing that will com­mu­ni­cate to you, and with­out shout­ing, it will be recog­nised. Both glob­al and care­ful­ly select­ed image edit­ing can har­ness this won­der­ful­ly. This book is an in depth, step by step guide to achiev­ing this approach whilst main­tain­ing sim­ple techniques.

"Sometimes it is healthy to move in another direction with your photography, push open doors and explore a new beginning."

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Working In Another Light

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