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Image and Portfolio Review

1 hour portfolio or image reviews with a master photographer - £75.00

As we all know it is immeasurably pleasurable getting out with our cameras and visiting new and favourite locations. We all know the excitement of packing our kit into our camera bags and heading for the car or airport longing to see the sights. Without doubt, being in the wilds is wonderful! Along with this we have all looked forward to downloading our camera files onto our laptop and taking a look for the first time at the fruits of our labour and beginning the journey of post processing and even print making.

How many of us all of the above is an indi­vid­ual pur­suit and much of the time with our cam­eras and behind the com­put­er is alone. Whilst this is incred­i­bly enjoy­able, oth­er than shar­ing our work on social media or maybe with your cam­era club mem­bers, it is dif­fi­cult to under­stand the direc­tion your pho­tog­ra­phy is going, or more impor­tant­ly, how you can improve your work.

"With a combined 50 years of practice and honing their skills, wouldn’t it be good to be able to have one of these sessions"

One of the most reward­ing and pro­gres­sive seg­ments of any work­shop we run is the time spent shar­ing our images with oth­er mem­bers of the group and also get­ting invalu­able feed­back from your lead­ers. With a com­bined 50 years of prac­tice and hon­ing their skills, wouldn’t it be good to be able to have one of these ses­sions at home with Paul or Michael and let them into your pho­tog­ra­phy world for an hour and get their opin­ions and advice on your work? 

Well this is your oppor­tu­ni­ty with our new Image and Port­fo­lio Review 1 to 1 Ses­sions. We will ask you to send us a set of images that you want to talk over and we will spend time advis­ing you on all aspects of your pho­tog­ra­phy from how you are approach­ing your sub­ject in the field, cam­era craft, to post pro­cess­ing or cre­at­ing a port­fo­lio of work.

A 1 to 1 online ZOOM session with a photography master reviewing your images or portfolio

An option to schedule a date and time that is mutually convenient - a link will be sent to you in your confirmation email

A recording of the ZOOM session and any finished files submitted and worked upon

Licences for image editing software

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Image and Portfolio Review