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Winter in Iceland

20th - 26th February, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Iceland - £3,750.00 (£750.00 Deposit) - Last Places

It is without doubt that South Iceland has become a popular destination with photographers from all over the world. Recently it has been described as a place that has had all its good photographs taken and there is little more to do. We at aspect2i disagree entirely! Changing weather and light and snowfalls transform the landscape on every visit.

Ice­land itself is big­ger than the whole of Scot­land, and the south coast of Ice­land is only one small part with an unlim­it­ed array of pho­tog­ra­phy to explore. On this work­shop, we have decid­ed not to just sim­ply take you to the pop­u­lar loca­tions such as Sko­gafoss, Sel­ja­lands­foss and Jokul­sar­lon, but explore and pho­to­graph the many oth­er places that peo­ple pass en-route to these clas­sic loca­tions. Ice­land is mas­sive­ly trans­formed dur­ing its win­ter with the poten­tial for snow and ice and dra­mat­ic skies with beau­ti­ful low light all day long. It goes with­out say­ing that the Auro­ra Bore­alis is nev­er far away at this time of year!

Iceland Triptic by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Most of this pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop will be based between Vik and Hofn on the edge of the mighty Atlantic. Of course, you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the black vol­canic beach­es and clifftops of Dyrho­laey and Reyn­is­f­jara, but we will explore the amaz­ing lava flows and huge inter­tidal area of Dyrho­l­ar which are often ignored. Anoth­er often com­plete­ly missed area are the vast glacial out­flow riverbeds at Myrdalssan­dur, over which run a series of road bridges head­ing east.

In 2025 we have redesigned our route to take in more of the amaz­ing loca­tions south Ice­land has to offer, as well as skirt­ing the south coast from Reyk­javik to Ves­tra­horn, we will be mak­ing time to head north and vis­it sev­er­al of the jew­els in the crown of this land­scape, Gull­foss, Fax­afoss and Geysir. Gul­foss is vast water­fall and every sec­ond 140 cubic meters of glacial water cas­cade into its 100ft ravine. The sound alone is incred­i­ble. Close by, is Fax­afoss a cas­cade which spans 200 meters wide, and last­ly, the fas­ci­nat­ing geot­her­mal area of Geysir which sits direct­ly on the slopes of the vast boil­ing caul­dron of Lau­gar­f­jall lava dome. The high­light of vis­it­ing this area is the geyser Stokkur which erupts every ten min­utes and fires crys­tal clear hot-spring water up to 100 ft into the air!

Often over­looked are the huge open expans­es of Vol­canic ash lands which stretch from the inland cliffs (that were once the sea-edge) to the now open Atlantic. Cross­ing these areas are won­der­ful graph­ic lines of pylons, not to men­tion the big-sky that changes con­stant­ly with the weath­er com­ing in from the coast.

The Eld­hau­rn lava field is real­ly some­thing to behold in Ice­land. Now cov­ered in a thick and beau­ti­ful green lay­er of moss­es, this land­scape was cre­at­ed by one of the most vio­lent erup­tions that Ice­land has ever wit­nessed between 1783 and 1784. The Laki vol­cano dis­charged 15 cubic kilo­me­tres of lava cov­er­ing an area of 600 square kilo­me­tres and is the world’s third largest lava flow since the Ice Age. No vis­it to the south coast of Ice­land in the win­ter would be com­plete with­out walk­ing into the mighty Fjadrar­glju­fur Canyon. The canyon has ver­ti­cal walls and is 100 meters deep and cuts, snake-like through the moun­tain side. Cre­at­ed nine thou­sand years ago by glacial melt­wa­ter from a lake, it is unique to this part of Iceland.

Iceland Triptic by Michael Pilkington aspect2i

The area sur­round­ing Hofn changes again and is a photographer’s par­adise. Cross­ing the huge open riv­er deltas of Skei­dararsan­dur you can see the mighty Hof­sjokull and Vat­na­jokull glac­i­ers above. Of course, we will plan a vis­it to get up close and per­son­al with Svinafell­sjokull. We dri­ve right up to the car park that over­looks the snout of the glac­i­er and take a short walk up the path to its’ side where the blue ice and intri­cate moraines can be seen in all their glo­ry, thou­sands of years old. We will of course vis­it the world famous Jokul­sar­lon so you can expe­ri­ence first-hand the calv­ing of ice­bergs and watch them pass through the lagoon chan­nel mak­ing their jour­ney into the Atlantic. We will take time to pho­to­graph the beached ice­bergs on the black sands of Jokul­sar­lon beach.

Fur­ther east we move to qui­eter places of Lons­fjor­dur, a huge black peb­ble bank that pro­vides shel­ter to the tiny set­tle­ment of Svin­ho­l­ar, and we ven­ture into the moon-like beach and cliffs of Vestrahorn.
Ice­land is not done’ at all and this work­shop will show this. Win­ter here is some­thing every pho­tog­ra­ph­er should expe­ri­ence. The unique­ness of south Ice­land is wait­ing to be dis­cov­ered and we are ready to show you!

Basalt Columns Vik Beach by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Dur­ing this pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop it is our aim to work with you to help you cap­ture the very essence of this amaz­ing land­scape in the grip of the win­ter. We will of course enjoy vis­it­ing some of the clas­sic loca­tions in the south coast of Ice­land, but there are so many oth­er aspects of this land­scape that can be explored with your cam­era. Ice­land is under­stand­ably pop­u­lar with land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers, but we will be on hand to help you find your own unique perspective.

Skogafoss by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

7 Days

2 leaders with a maximum of 8 participants

Easy - underfoot can be slippery due to snow and ice so grippers of some description are advised.

Various Hotels

The price includes extensive one to one tuition during the workshop, accommodation (on a bed and breakfast basis). No single occupancy supplement. Travel during the workshop. Entrance Fees where applicable. Transfers to and from Keflavic Airport.

Travel to and from the location and personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed. Travel and camera Insurance.

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Winter in Iceland