In Another Light
The Portfolio Series
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Join The Waiting ListFor many photographers, seeing their finished work is the pinnacle of the photographic journey, and holding a print in your hand or gazing at the completed image on your screen holds a sense of completion, a warm feeling of success. What is often considered as the holy grail of a photographers’ accomplishments is creating a book that will outlive any screen images and will be there for many years. This retreat is about creating that experience. A book of your unique work.
For many photographers, seeing their finished work is the pinnacle of the photographic journey, and holding a print in your hand or gazing at the completed image on your screen holds a sense of completion, a warm feeling of success. A progression from this is if you have embraced an affinity with a particular location and as the years go by your exploration of that subject has been refined and becomes more of a personal communion. These images will have in them more about you and how you have reacted to the subject, your heartfelt interpretation, and slowly but surely, they will coalesce as a wider statement of what it means to you.
This cohesion is an incredibly special experience for the photographer. Rather than an individual image standing out with pride of place, a compilation of images delivers a more in-depth message about you and why you made the photographs. A collection of work such as this is worthy of being shared. The many hours of effort, the time spent travelling and embracing of different ways of seeing all come together as a unified body of work.
At this juncture you may feel compelled to hold a small exhibition to share your work and your experiences, but what is often considered as the holy grail of a photographers’ accomplishments is creating a book that will outlive any screen images and will be there many years after the exhibition has been packed away and the doors are closed. This retreat is about creating that experience. A book of your unique work.
We have never once met a photographer who has not wanted to make a book of their work to be handed to friends and loved ones, and to be held in posterity for decades to come. A book with your chosen title, and most importantly, your name on the cover. The initial comprehension of this is sometimes quickly discarded as an unobtainable dream, or even worse, doubting the quality of your images being worthy of presentation on a printed page.
We have been working with photographers for many years and helping them attain dreams they thought out of reach. In fact, the creation of a book needn’t be as daunting as it may initially appear. Paul Gallagher and Michael Pilkington have been through this process many times and are fully accomplished in the journey and challenges needed to create a distinctive body of work in the form of a beautiful book.
We have chosen the Falcon Manor as a place of sanctuary and reflection. A place where we can relax, share ideas and hold conversations about your work, and together, see your books grow and flourish. The first viewers of your emerging book will be the Retreat group on the very same journey. There will be no judgement, and your work and approach is yours alone, so no one can be wrong as we embrace freedom of expression. We want to engage in questions, conversation and intrigue.
Throughout the Retreat you will have Paul Gallagher and Michael Pilkington on hand to share and discuss your book, guide you through any image interpretation and sequencing of images to ensure the ‘feel’ of the book is perfect and reflects how you want others to experience your work. During our time together you will enjoy the highest quality accommodation, fine meals which are all included, and we will have our own private meeting room where Paul and Michael will share their experiences of book projects through relaxing lectures.
The conclusion of this retreat will be a 26 page hard back book printed on heavyweight paper to the highest standards and which will serve as the epitome of your dedication to your craft as a visual artist and an object to be held and pored over for many years to come. As yourself this question, “Will you ever make a book of your photography?”
To create your unique book we will ask you to bring along a selection of (say 20 to 30) images, both the fully processed versions and also the raw files. The reason for this is that when compiling a book it is sometimes wise to re-process some images so that they integrate comfortably with the other images within your book. Also, we change and adapt the way we process images over the years and our style and approach evolves, so having the raw file available enables us to create a body of work that is cohesive.
Some of you may want to add some words to the pages of your book. This is something to consider before we get together. It may be a short description of what the project or work means to you, or simply a dedication or short statement. Either way, it is up to you, and if your book simply bears your name and its title, then that is that is fine also. Paul and Michael will be using the publishers book design tool throughout the retreat which can be used to redesigned and alter your book at any time as it evolves during its creation. On conclusion of the Retreat your design will be complete and your book will be sent off to SAAL Digital and soon after will be posted to you in all its glory to be enjoyed for many years to come.
4 Days
2 Leaders and a maximum of 6 clients
None. We will be based at the hotel and our meeting room for the duration of the workshop.
The Falcon Manor, Settle, Yorkshire
View AccommodationThe price includes extensive one to one tuition during the workshop, accommodation (on a full board basis). No single occupancy supplement. Travel during the workshop. Free access to the online course 'Making the Print'. A professionally printed and bound 26 page book from SAAL Digital, the premier photo book supplier.
Travel to and from Settle, Yorkshire, and personal bills such as bar bills.
Travel Insurance.