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The Enchanting Chiltern Woodlands

26th - 28th November, 2024 - with Mark Lawrence - Chilterns - £975.00 (£195.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

The Chiltern Hills is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty northwest of London and is one of the most heavily wooded areas in the whole of England known for its ancient beech woodlands, the most famous being the amazing Burnham Beeches. This workshop is a chance to explore these amazing woodlands without the need to travel very far from the country’s capitol.

Wood­lands to many are endear­ing places to be, sur­round­ed by nature and peace and qui­et, they offer an escape from the trap­pings of an often-busy life. Pho­tograph­ing wood­lands and their sur­round­ing areas is some­times con­sid­ered dif­fi­cult, but it needn’t be. The aim of this work­shop is for you to take your time explor­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing these beau­ti­ful envi­ron­ments whilst hav­ing Mark with you every step of the way, work­ing with you to ensure you cap­ture the very best images.

The work­shop will con­cen­trate on two main areas, Stoke Com­mon and Burn­ham Beech­es. Stoke Com­mon is a 200-acre area of exten­sive heath­land with paths that are easy to walk. Stoke Com­mon boasts spaces of sil­ver birch, pine, along with mixed decid­u­ous wood­land which are nes­tled in the sur­round­ing rolling heath­lands. Although many heath­lands began their lives 5000 years ago when mankind began to clear wood­lands grow­ing in fer­tile soils, they still have a feel of being wild and untouched to this day.

Burn­ham Beech­es, our sec­ond loca­tion is sit­u­at­ed only three miles away from Stoke Com­mon and has a unique char­ac­ter all of its own. This wood­land is one England’s finest exam­ples of ancient wood­land and cov­ers a vast 480 acres of Buck­ing­hamshire coun­try­side. Although its name relates to beech trees of which they are plen­ti­ful, it is also an area rich in grass­lands, ponds, streams and ancient pol­lard­ed oaks. As with Stoke Com­mon, we will take our time and wan­der along the paths that take us beneath the canopy of trees and across the glades, stop­ping to cap­ture these his­tor­i­cal trees that have been in exis­tence since the last ice age.

As part of this excit­ing work­shop we will also vis­it Coombe Hill locat­ed near to the ham­let of Dun­smore. The major­i­ty of the hill (an area of 106 acres) once formed part of the Che­quers Estate but is now owned by the Nation­al Trust. At 850 feet above sea lev­el, it sits on one of the high­est and most strik­ing spurs of the Chilterns, com­mand­ing a wide view of the Vale of Ayles­bury. Here there are both inti­mate mixed decid­u­ous wood­land scenes and wider views of the sur­round­ing land­scape and, if we are lucky, the mist may roll in and pro­vide us with some very dif­fer­ent pho­to­graph­ic opportunities.

After soak­ing up the calm of heath­lands and wood­lands we will head back to our hotel and share the images we have made and engage in con­ver­sa­tion about our expe­ri­ences. Of course, Mark will be on hand to offer valu­able advice on how to improve your wood­land pho­tog­ra­phy, and of course we aim to have fun dur­ing our time together!

3 Days

1 Leader with a maximum of 6 participants


The Bull, Gerards Cross, Buckinghamshire

View Accommodation

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy

supplement) during the workshop.

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.

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The Enchanting Chiltern Woodlands