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The World of Black and White Infrared - A Landscape Masterclass

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This photography workshop is about changing your mind on how you see the world in infrared enabling you to see its beauty in tones of grey and showing you ways to express your vision of black and white infrared.

Tree Study in Infrared Lake District Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Whilst black and white pho­tog­ra­phy is about entic­ing the view­er into see­ing the world about them in an entire­ly dif­fer­ent way, infrared pho­tog­ra­phy takes that jour­ney a lit­tle fur­ther still. When we see the world in black and white, we can to some degree imag­ine the tones the colours would pro­duce, but the tones in infrared would be of even more of a devi­a­tion from reality.

Woodland Study in Infrared Lancashire Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Fine art black and white infrared is not about cam­era equip­ment or a rigid way of pro­cess­ing image files, but an invi­ta­tion to enter anoth­er world of see­ing using light that even the naked human eye can­not see. It is about evok­ing emo­tion in the view­er through the craft­ing of beau­ti­ful sub­tle tones that will unveil this hid­den side to the world in which we live. 

This work­shop is about chang­ing your mind on how you see the world enabling you to see beau­ty in infrared tones of grey and show­ing you ways to express your vision of black and white infrared. Even if you have been explor­ing black and white infrared before, we want you to delve deep­er into the soul of the pho­tog­ra­ph­er and free up new ways of mak­ing cre­ative images using this unique medi­um. It is this expres­sion of vision and cre­ativ­i­ty that we will explore dur­ing our time together.

Pond Study in Infrared Paul Gallagher aspect2i

We will have image reviews and we want you to express your­self in any way you choose and share this with the view­er. We will talk about indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and the way you want your work to look, and it is these skills that we will har­ness to enable you to become and an infrared artist. 

Stormy weather in Infrared Yorkshire Dales Michael Pilkington aspect2i

Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton will be with you through­out this wok­shop to encour­age and work side by side on your infrared vision, image inter­pre­ta­tion and print mak­ing. This will not be a work­shop that will see the group dash­ing about from one loca­tion to anoth­er, but a work­shop where tak­ing your time to con­tem­plate what you are pho­tograph­ing and con­sid­er how you would want the fin­ished image to look and feel’ like is imperative. 

Early morning mist Perthshire Scotland in Infrared Michael Pilkington aspect2i

For this work­shop we have decid­ed to ded­i­cate our time out in the peace­ful sur­round­ings of the York­shire Dales with its gen­tle rolling coun­try­side, lime­stone pave­ments and wood­lands. Dur­ing the work­shop you will relax in the high­est qual­i­ty accom­mo­da­tion with fine food.

Each pho­tog­ra­ph­er will pro­duce a unique port­fo­lio of three A3+ prints on a paper of their choice which will be pre­sent­ed in a fine art port­fo­lio box.

4 Days

Limited to 6 Photographers with 2 leaders


Falcon Manor, Settle, Yorkshire

View Accommodation

A unique experience exploring your own photography in infrared

Bed and Breakfast accommodation in the luxurious Falcon Manor Hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop

Transportation during the workshop

Extensive coaching and tuition from two highly acclaimed photographers pioneers in infrared photography

Lifetime access to our online course 'The Essentials of Infrared Post Processing'

Travel to and from the workshop location

Camera and travel insurance

Personal expenses such as bar bills