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Working in Another Light - Mastering Infrared Photography

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The versatility of infrared is quite simply unmatched and the tonal variations in the finished photographs can far exceed what you can achieve from a standard colour raw file converted to black and white.Seeing is literally believing! This workshop will delve deeply into every aspect of black and white infrared landscape photography.

If you per­formed a Google search on infrared pho­tog­ra­phy, you will more than like­ly see images with high con­trast and very lit­tle tonal vari­a­tion, often tak­en in the sum­mer­time. Whilst there is noth­ing inher­ent­ly wrong with this approach, it should not be regard­ed as the norm as the world of infrared is far more expres­sive and infi­nite­ly more exciting.

This work­shop is designed to go way beyond the reg­u­lar infrared pho­tog­ra­phy. Dur­ing out time togeth­er you will gain an under­stand­ing of how to recog­nise what will make an expres­sive infrared pho­to­graph and learn how dif­fer­ent sub­jects will ren­der tones of infrared. You will also learn how the sub­tlest of vari­a­tions in light can will effect your final pho­to­graph and how to take advan­tage of these as the light changes. The pow­er of infrared on over­cast days and inclement weath­er is some­thing that has to be explored to be believed and many pho­tog­ra­phers are often sur­prised to learn that grad­u­at­ed fil­ters are sel­dom need­ed as infrared con­vert­ed cam­eras can cap­ture all the dra­ma in the skies with­out them. Because we are work­ing with a cam­era that can see light that the human eye can­not, the land­scape before you is com­plete­ly trans­formed. At first this will be a rev­e­la­tion and soon lead to a com­plete­ly new way of see­ing the landscape.

Being out with your cam­era and learn­ing all of the above is only part of this excit­ing jour­ney dur­ing this work­shop; the image edit­ing is the oth­er huge­ly reward­ing aspect. Because of the impor­tance of the dig­i­tal dark­room’ in the mak­ing of fine infrared images, the last morn­ing of this work­shop will be indoors where we will cov­er every aspect of con­vert­ing the image to true black and white and teas­ing out the sub­tle tones and teach­ing you the art of fine infrared print mak­ing. Each per­son on this work­shop will go home with one of their fin­ished images print­ed on heavy­weight fine art media from their time with us!

Paul Gal­lagher FRPS and Michael Pilk­ing­ton FRPS have pio­neered a new approach to infrared land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy over the past ten years. They nev­er trav­el any­where with­out their infrared con­vert­ed cam­eras and infrared pho­tog­ra­phy has become an inte­gral way they pho­to­graph the land­scapes of the world. They are also the authors of the much acclaimed ebook In Anoth­er Light’ which show­cas­es their approach to infrared pho­tog­ra­phy. A free copy of this book will be giv­en to each attendee of this work­shop. If you want to expe­ri­ence and learn a whole new aspect of your land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy, then this work­shop is a must.

This is work­shop were we have cho­sen to lim­it the num­ber of atten­dees, and for this rea­son the group will be lim­it­ed to six pho­tog­ra­phers only so plen­ty of one to one time can be spent with every­body. If you want to learn from mas­ters in this field about the pur­suit of infra-red land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy, then this work­shop is for you.

"If you want to experience and learn what could be a whole new aspect of your landscape photography, then this workshop is a must."

4 days

6 Participants with 2 Leaders


Devils Punch Bowl Hotel

View Accommodation

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, a combination of teaching camera craft and visualization in the field and image Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Accommmodation on a bed and breakfast basis (no single supplement). Assessments and post processing in a classroom setting.

We take a printer to the workshop and will post process and print one of your images to take home with you.

You will get a free download of our acclaimed ebook 'In Another Light'.

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Accommmodation and meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.